IN WHICH: Joel apologizes and has some catching up to do

As I think I said in my introductory post - I've never been very good at this blogging thing.  Every so often, I get this crazy notion in my head that I should start a blog.  I make a bunch of posts, get distracted after a bit, and then it just sits.  I did the same thing with journals.  I'd get a fancy journal, think "this is going to record the adventure that is my life," and fill the first five-ten pages.  Ten pages of musing, then 90 pages of things that never were written.

This is one thing I did not inherit from my grandmother - for probably something close to 75 years of her life, she kept a daily diary and you could look back and know exactly what she'd had for dinner, what the weather had been like, what had happened during the day, the relationships she had, the people in her life --- her diaries were a detailed record of her life, times, and what was important to her.  Somewhere in our family right now, there are several boxes full of year-long diaries - some which I had even given to her as Christmas gifts.  And each page is filled, top to bottom, with a day of her life.  And I wish that I had that kind of routine, that kind of time to give to just sitting down and writing.  To picking something - just one thing - that I could be so totally dedicated to doing that it becomes the record of my life in some way.

Would I change the fact that there are so many things I appreciate and enjoy doing?  Of course not.  It's part of the reason that I have so much trouble keeping these things up in the first place - there's just so much in life worth discovering, worth aggregating, collecting and experiencing... so much time and so little to see - wait.  Strike that.  Reverse it.

But getting back to the point - I wanted to apologize, as I have come to realize that, in a very humbling epiphany for me, there are actually people who read this blog.  Who apparently find these musings and sermons (well, I think more the sermons than the musings, since I muse so infrequently) worth reading and have now wondered: What happened?

To borrow a term from one of my favorite authors, Stephen King: I appreciate you, Constant Reader (ironically, no pun intended), for calling me back to the writing I enjoy doing so much.  And I apologize for my own inconstancy.  I have a handful of sermons that I plan to sort out over the next few weeks as time permits, and I will be posting them semi-frequently.  I might even have a few musings to put together, should my muse permit.

Till then, thanks for staying around!



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