IN WHICH: Joel welcomes you to his blog!

Before I go into my musings, since this is a first post and all, I just wanted to give a quick "welcome" to anybody who happens to stumble upon this blog, whether through the church, through my own sharing on my profile, or however you've found this.  I've tried a few different blogs through the years, but none of them have ever "stuck," so to speak.  I'll try to post here as inspiration hits and put some thoughts out there every now and then, and there's no guarantees what any post might be about.  One thing I'm thinking of doing is putting my sermon each Sunday up here (after it's been preached, of course).  Sometimes, it'll be something out of scripture that catches my muse, other times it'll be a quick story, or sometimes there might be something specifically dealing with current events and things in the news and media.  Sometimes, it might even be something like a recipe or a book review.  Or I might post a video or two here and there.  What I promise it won't be is a weeping abyss of pastoral angst.  So if you're looking on here to see if I'm mad about someone in the congregation, or whether I like the way we do our coffee hour, or whatever... sorry, Charlie.  This isn't going to be one of those blogs.  I won't discuss personal lives, air dirty laundry, or otherwise make this a "gossip rag" for the church community.  Basically, this is a place where if you happen to wonder "What's the pastor got on his mind these days," you have somewhere where you can get to know me that much better: my hobbies, my interests, the things that get me fired up... whatever strikes my fancy that particular moment.

So thanks for stopping by!  I hope this turns into something worthwhile and that it does some good for people reading it.



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