"Dishonest Wealth"
The texts for this week's sermon are Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13. Dishonest Wealth There’s a dirty word that flies around during the month of April with regularity - of course, I’m talking about taxes. Every January, we get those wonderful forms that remind us how much we made this year, then we go about the grueling process of figuring out just how much of a cut of that money we need to give to Uncle Sam. So we call up our accountants, we log onto the tax preparation websites, we pull out the calculators, the big ziplock bag of receipts we’ve saved all year, the letters from the churches and charities telling us what our donations have been this year, everything we can to help figure out what we need to pay, and we crunch those numbers down to the last penny. We make that extra pot of coffee, pull out the antacids, and we don’t quit until it’s done and we know whether we’re getting something back , or whether we just have to pay...