Who Would Have Thought?
CUC 1-16-22, HPC 1-19-25 (Ordinary 2C) Isaiah 62:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 Who Would Have Thought? Have you ever taken the time to listen to people talk about their wedding? There are almost always a few good stories that are bound to come up once people start reminiscing, and they often end up revealing some amount of the chaos that was happening behind the scenes while the guests were being ushered into their seats or the church was being prepared for the big day. We share together in moments that we can easily laugh about as we look back on them, but which threatened to ruin the entire wedding on the day in which we actually had to deal with them - the florist who brought the wrong order and had to go back, the groomsman who arrives ten minutes before the ceremony is supposed to start because his GPS took him in every possible wrong direction, the flower-girl who decides th...