You Can't Always Get What You Want
10-21-18 (Proper 24/Ordinary 29B, Semi-Continuous) Job 38:1-7, 34-41; Mark 10:35-45 You Can’t Always Get What You Want In this day and age, we’ve gotten pretty used to knowing that we can pretty much always get what we want. Our business models are even often structured around this concept - the idea that “the customer is always right,” even though anyone who has worked in retail knows this is all too often the farthest thing from the truth. Think about the slogans that have defined some of our different restaurants and businesses: Burger King’s “Have It Your Way,” the old Domino’s guarantee of “30 minutes or it’s free,” Visa’s “It’s everywhere you want to be,” or Holiday Inn’s “Pleasing People the World Over.” We are a people who are used to instant gratification, to expecting to get what we have paid for and more. I know that, all too often, when I’m looking at purchasing something or trying out a new place, I’ll turn to the customer reviews and se...