Drawing Near to God
9-23-18 (Proper 20/Ordinary 25 B, Semi-Continuous) James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37 Drawing Near to God In seven years of parenting, I’d like to think that my “trouble-sense” is starting to become more finely tuned. Some situations are easier to anticipate than others, sure… but there are usually some clues that we can rely on to tell us that something’s fishy. In our house, we tend to start getting nervous when we hear one of two things: repeated laughter or unexpected silence. I can see the familiarity out there for some folks as you picture that moment - it’s been a busy day, the kids are home from school, homework is done and you’re starting to work on getting dinner ready when you start to hear giggling. Perhaps you think nothing of it - after all, it’s normal for kids to giggle while they play. But then there’s a moment of quiet, and then the giggling starts up again. And that’s when your gut realizes: something’s fishy. You ...