Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
5-14-17 (Easter 5A) Acts 7:55-60; John 14:1-14 Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled I encountered a peculiar quandary this week as I started looking at the texts and preparing for worship. It’s not often that the lectionary year and the calendar year end up being so weirdly at odds with each other - there’s a certain irony to be found in the fact that the lectionary readings for Mother’s Day are the stoning of Stephen and Jesus’ farewell discourse in which he says “there are many rooms in my Father’s house.” And really - what do you do in that weird contrast? What direction do you take this Sunday? Did I want to change out the readings and find ones more thematically appropriate? Or do you just focus on the readings themselves and let the whole Mother’s Day event take a place on the back burner? Interestingly enough, a connection became more apparent as I started to read more into the history and origins of Mother’s Day itself. It’s not...