Fishy Business
7/26/15 (Proper 12 / Ordinary 17 B, Semi-Continuous) 2 Samuel 11:1-15; John 6:1-21 Fishy Business Looking at this week’s texts, especially the text from 2 Samuel, it never ceases to amaze me how much things have changed, and yet at the same time, how things are still as much the same as they have always been. Perhaps it’s only because we’re more connected, able to be more aware of these things, but it feels like lately, we’ve become a people who live on scandals. Every week, there’s a new outrage, a new scandal, a new conversation being hotly debated among our friends and acquaintances. As violent tragedies continue to abound and people continue to be hurt and killed in our country, the debates over guns, race, politics, and more are re-ignited. Celebrities are constantly saying or doing something that sets us abuzz in indignation or outrage, and then apologizing for it a few days later after the publicity has waned. Petitions and prot...