Redeemed, Called, and Fed
5-31-15 (Trinity Sunday, Year B) Isaiah 6:1-8; John 3:1-17 Redeemed, Called, and Fed Two men encounter God. Two men are called. Two men receive incredible words directly from the mouth of God. Two men express their hesitations and doubts in the face of their encounter with God. And yet the results of their two experiences couldn’t be any more different. Isaiah’s encounter with God happens in a dream-like vision: he is transported to God’s throne room. He sees the seraphim, those angelic beings that have filled our hymns and art but are only ever shown in this particular passage of Isaiah, surrounding the throne in worship so powerful that the door frames are shaking and the room is filling with smoke. And it quite literally puts the fear of God into him. He’s so scared at the fact that he is seeing what angels themselves cover their faces from that he throws himself down to the ground. ...