Loving in Truth and Action
4-26-15 (Easter 4B) 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 Loving In Truth And Action You see things from time to time that go a long way to “restore your faith in humanity,” as some people like to say. Occasionally, you see them on the news as the anchors give a rare report of some kind of “good news” or “unbelievable occurrence,” but these kind of stories are more often than not relegated to television features or websites that dedicate themselves to seeking these kinds of things out. We’re likely all familiar with at least one or two stories of incredible heroism that perform this function - the soldier who runs back headlong into enemy gunfire to rescue the civilian child or to ensure that none of his brothers in arms are left behind. As I was working on my sermon this week, I found this particular video of a young boy in Ohio who has Cerebral Palsy, but who decided to run a 400 meter race with his classmates: Sometimes you ha...