IN WHICH: Joel talks about his long hair
Over the last few months, I've gotten some feedback from some of the members of my congregation on a strange growth that they've noticed coming out on the back of my head. Normally, when I hear concerns like that, I might schedule an appointment with a doctor and see whether I should be concerned, as well. Fortunately, the only appointment I'd really need to schedule is with a barber. You see... my hair is starting to get long - it's been almost a year since I've had a haircut. Let me pause for a second and say this: I understand why people have mentioned this to me. In rural Missouri, it's not exactly the "norm" for a Presbyterian pastor to look like a Nazirite. And I did get my hair cut pretty short before I started interviewing with the churches in the Small Church Residency Program - mainly because I knew it would look better and give a better first impression. To be honest, I've put a lot of thought into getting my hair cut anyway as...